Friday, July 4, 2008

Fifth session on Peach Panel

Oh MY GOSH...I think I am nearly finished with this piece!

...I need to be done. I need to work on the pieces that bring in the $$ now. I know when I am getting close to finishing because I start to *hate* it, and think it looks like a cartoon...weird, eh? Am I the only one who gets *weird* with their feelings on their artwork once it nears completion? The paint starts to get sticky, the brushes are all dirty, and I wanna be done. Looking at it, I want to get rid of the split forelock, reminds me of the kid from the "Little Rascals" and now I can't get rid of that impression...ARGH! I WANT TO WIPE THAT PART OFF NOW! Having said that, I need a bit of a break from it before I resort to such drastic measures. Think I'll go see my horse, Champagne to soak on it for a couple of hours before I start wielding that Shop Towel. I want to glaze some colour into the white between the nostrils once it is dry, and some burnt sienna glazed into the ear on the right to tie it into the original design.Oh how I hate being the near the end of a painting!

"Paintings are never finished...just ABANDONED!!"

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